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地球制药 | 5款可选



  • 温泉成分(碳酸钠、硫酸钠等)和碳酸气体提高温浴效果,

  • 促进血液循环,对肩酸、腰痛、寒症有效,缓解一天的疲劳。洗完澡后暖和感也会持续。

  • 疲劳恢复、痱子、湿疹、粉刺、裂纹、皲裂、冻疮、粗糙性、打嗝、肩酸、神经痛、风湿、腰痛、寒症、痔疮、产前后寒症


1. 将1片(45g)扔进浴缸(200 升)中溶解后即可泡澡。 

2. 发泡片剂中,偶尔会有咳嗽的情况。此时请换气。

3. 碳酸气体即使泡沫消失,也会溶入热水中,效果持久。 

4. 溶解后2小时之内洗澡更有效。


品牌:Earth 地球制药

品名:地球制药 | ONPO温泡碳酸泡澡锭 | 5款可选 | 5锭 X 4包


净含量:5锭 X 4包

地球制药 | ONPO温泡温泉精华 | 泡澡锭 | 5款可选 | 5锭 X 4包


Purchase Notes:
1. If you choose in-store pickup, your order will usually be ready within 24 to 48 hours. It is recommended that you choose a pickup date after 48 hours
2. If you choose express, you need to meet a certain amount to get free shipping. Depending on the carrier, delivery time may vary, usually 2 to 5 business days from the date of shipment.
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1. No refunds, no returns.
2. Since and partner stores carry out high-frequency promotions at the same time, we do not provide 'price adjustment' and 'price match
Product number: 210000005933